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Identifying Red Hat components using Package URL🔗

The Package URL (purl) specification has become a widely used proposed standard for identifying and locating software components throughout the open source software community. It is supported by various tools and data formats and provides an easy way for representing package metadata across different contexts and ecosystems.

Red Hat uses purl to identify software components in our CSAF advisory and VEX files as well as our SBOM files. We will continue expanding our use of purl across additional security-related metadata files and software solutions in the future as well.

To increase the interoperability of all tools processing purl strings, each purl generator must ensure that identical software components are identified with the same purls. Adopting a consistent purl convention across the industry improves collaboration among organizations and simplifies the exchange of (not-just-) security-related metadata.

Below, we will cover several areas where the purl specification is overly ambiguous and allows for different ways to interpret the same information, increasing the difficulty of processing purls created by disparate tools. The following sections highlight how Red Hat will use purl for Red Hat produced or hosted software components. We encourage all vendors and open source projects that generate purls that identify Red Hat components to follow these same conventions.

Throughout this document, the terms "(software) component", "artifact", and "package" will be used interchangeably to refer to the same concept.

Identifying RPM packages🔗

The rpm purl type identifies, unsurprisingly, an RPM package. When it comes to the naming conventions of a single RPM file, Red Hat uses the NEVRA convention that follows the <name>-<epoch>:<version>-<release>.<architecture>.rpm file name pattern, for example emacs-27.2-9.el9.x86_64.rpm. For more information about RPM packaging conventions, see the RPM Packaging Guide

Representing this information in a purl presents a few challenges because the purpose of the purl specification is to not only identify a particular package (the file name already does that) but also the location from where the package can be accessed. The emacs package example above can be represented using the following purl:


The namespace value of redhat signifies this as an RPM package produced and distributed by Red Hat. This value also differentiates packages available in Red Hat repositories from those that could potentially share the same name, version, and repository name but were provided by a different vendor.

If a purl identifies a Source RPM (SRPM, a package containing source code files that are used to build one or more RPMs containing binary artifacts), the arch qualifier must use the special value src. In the NEVRA file name pattern, SRPM packages use a .src.rpm suffix. Packages that are not architecture-specific must use the special noarch value in the arch qualifier.

An RPM package may also include an epoch number; if not present, it is assumed to be 0. In a purl, epoch is not part of the version field, but instead is specified using the epoch qualifier (e.g. epoch=1). If the package version includes a non-zero epoch value, it must be specified using its own epoch qualifier:


The rpm purl type suggests the use of the repository_url qualifier to point to the base URL of the RPM repository from where the RPM can be downloaded. We are purposefully not using the repository_url qualifier in Red Hat purls because the base URL can vary depending on whether packages are sourced from Red Hat-hosted repositories (at, local Red Hat Satellite-mirrored repositories, or Cloud provider-hosted repositories. Instead, Red Hat purls use a repository_id qualifier that identifies the repository from which the package can be downloaded using YUM or DNF.

The repository ID is a unique value that identifies an RPM repository from where RPM packages can be fetched. If the ID of the repository is the same and the other attributes of the RPM match, such packages even though sourced from varying URLs can be considered the same for the purposes of simple identification. Given a repository ID, you can resolve it to a URL using your chosen base URL and a relative path of that repository that exists in the repository-to-cpe.json mapping file. This file maps repository IDs to both relative URL paths and CPE IDs that represent product versions in all of Red Hat's security data files.

Another qualifier defined for the rpm purl type is distro, which is an arbitrary value that describes the Linux distribution that the package is included in. The distro qualifier is not recommended to be used for Red Hat RPMs because its values are not standardized and may, depending on how the value is interpreted, inaccurately identify a package as being specific to a particular version of a distribution even though it may be available in multiple distribution versions.

Identifying RPM modules🔗

RPM modules allow grouping a set of RPMs to represent a single component. Installing for example the nodejs module may result in the installation of the c-ares library, the npm package manager, the nodejs runtime, among other RPM packages. While RPM modules do not yet have an existing purl type, a proposal to add one called rpmmod has been submitted to the purl specification that, but has not yet been merged as of today:

RPM modules follow a slightly different naming convention than regular RPMs. Each RPM module can be identified using NSVC: Name, Stream, Version, Context. The purl for the squid:4 module available for RHEL 8.6 EUS would be the following:


The version string is a percent-encoded value that contains the Stream, Version, and Context: 4:8040020210420090912:522a0ee4.

Identifying container images🔗

An Open Container Initiative (OCI) artifact is an arbitrary file that adheres to the OCI specification. Here we'll focus on the identification of container images (though similar purl rules should apply to arbitrary OCI artifacts). Container images published in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog should be identified using the oci purl type.

OCI image artifacts using the Image Manifest specification are identified by a digest value and the URL of the repository from where they can be pulled. If we look at an example container image such as, its digest value for the amd64 architecture is: sha256:8bca3b1be5750aeb94ef1351aa22636a54112f595d11a4d5c777890b80dfd387. In purl, this information is represented as:


Note that an image with a particular digest value may appear in multiple repositories, so the purl would only differ in the value of the repo namespace in the repository_url qualifier, while representing the same image.

Only tags that are unique to a particular container image should be specified in the purl; tags such as latest or 9.3 should not be included because they represent an ever-changing piece of information that may be outdated at the time the purl is used.

A purl may also refer to the Image Index, which is a higher-level representation of a set of image manifests. An image index has its own unique digest value:


The arch qualifier is simply omitted in this purl.

Identifying Maven packages🔗

Maven packages distributed by Red Hat follow standard purl-spec rules of the maven purl type:


The version string will contain a redhat-NNNNN suffix to indicate that the component was built from source by Red Hat. If the type qualifier is not set, it is assumed to be jar (as described in the POM documentation). The value in the repository_url should be Red Hat's Maven repository at

Additional Notes🔗

The guidelines highlighted in this document represent an ideal state across all of Red Hat-published security data that we want to achieve in the long term. In some cases, purl identifiers may be missing some of the metadata presented here or not specify it. Please contact Red Hat Product Security or file a Jira issue in the SECDATA project if you find any discrepancies in Red Hat's security data. Feedback on our usage of purl is always welcome and appreciated.

Also of note is the purpose of using purls as identifiers versus locators. Some purls may include certain qualifiers that make it easier to identify them but are redundant for the purposes of locating a package. Alternatively, purls that present different sets of qualifiers may still point to the same object. A good analogy for better understanding this concept that is worth quoting here can be found in issue #242 in the purl-spec:


Each package type is like a country or state and defines how you can identify and locate a place reasonably uniquely. Uniquely enough that the post can deliver the mail. In a city with well-defined streets and street numbers, you get a precise location with the street name and number and may be an apartment number. In some cases you may want the address for a single person with its name, or the whole household. If someone is off the grid in the bayou or some isolated mountain, crafting a proper address may be more hairy and fuzzy. Worst case I may need GPS coordinates for these edge cases. I may also have many different ways to write an address or a name. Heck, some folks also live in orbit on the ISS and GPS will not work there!